GSK2013-A REX corpora


The REX corpora consist of 6 multimodal corpora of referring expressions in collaborative puzzle solving dialogues. The corpora have two notable features, namely (1) they include time-aligned extra-linguistic information (dialogue speech, movies of puzzle solving processes, participant’s mouse operations and eye-gaze) on top of linguistic information (transcribed utterances, referring expressions for puzzle pieces), (2) dialogues were collected with various configurations in terms of the puzzle type, hinting and language.

(NB) The corpora require a multimedia annotation tool ELAN developed at Max Planck Institute for browsing. The ELAN package for Windows, Linux and OS X is available for free at the following site.

Creator:Tokunaga Lab., Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology

< non-commercial purposes such as education, research >
Individual with membership: 22,000 yen, Individual without membership: 44,000 yen, Group with membership: 44,000 yen, group without membership: 88,000 yen. Additional costs: Shipping: 3,300 yen. In the case of overseas delivery, it shall be determined case by case.

< commercial use > Another contract is required. Please contact the GSK office.
with membership: 220,000 yen, without membership: 440,000 yen.

Format:1 USB flash drive (14.9GB)
eaf (ELAN file), wav (speech), QuickTime (movies)
Language:Japanese, English

In the case of non-commercial use, for acquiring the above language resource, fill out all necessary items on the Application for and Compliance of Use Form (for above resource only), and send to our office via email, fax, or postal service. We will send documents including the billing statement through return mail. Please insure the proper billing address is indicated on the application, if different from your address. Also make sure to reference our page on “Membership and Usage Types for Individuals and Groups” concerning the Application for and Compliance of Use Form.